A simple Raytracer written in pure Python


Sombra is simple Raytracer written in pure Python. It’s main purpose is to help understand how raytracing works with a clean code. If you are looking for an efficient Raytracer you should probably use something like C++. The equations used are taken from the Image Synthesis class at Texas A&M University taught by professor Ergun Akleman.

The main program creates a raytraced image of a scene with simple objects like spheres and planes. It’s using a resolution of 280x192px by default and random jitter anti-aliasing with 4 samples per axis.


  • Install all dependencies by running python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run python -u main.py or python -u main.py -d to use debug mode which
    will not use Anti-Aliasing (-u is for displaying print




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