Learning Spatio-Temporal Transformer for Visual Tracking


The official implementation of the paper Learning Spatio-Temporal Transformer for Visual Tracking

Hiring research interns for visual transformer projects: [email protected]


End-to-End, Post-processing Free

STARK is an end-to-end tracking approach, which directly predicts one accurate bounding box as the tracking result.
Besides, STARK does not use any hyperparameters-sensitive post-processing, leading to stable performances.

Real-Time Speed

STARK-ST50 and STARK-ST101 run at 40FPS and 30FPS respectively on a Tesla V100 GPU.

Strong performance

Tracker LaSOT (AUC) GOT-10K (AO) TrackingNet (AUC)
STARK 67.1 68.8 82.0
TransT 64.9 67.1 81.4
TrDiMP 63.7 67.1 78.4
Siam R-CNN 64.8 64.9 81.2

Purely PyTorch-based Code

STARK is implemented purely based on the PyTorch.

Install the environment

Option1: Use the Anaconda

conda create -n stark python=3.6




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