5 Amazing Deep Learning Frameworks Every Data Scientist Must Know! (with Illustrated Infographic)

I have been a programmer since before I can remember. I enjoy writing codes from scratch – this helps me understand that topic (or technique) clearly. This approach is especially helpful when we’re learning data science initially.
Try to implement a neural network from scratch and you’ll understand a lot of interest things. But do you think this is a good idea when building deep learning models on a real-world dataset? It’s definitely possible if you have days or weeks to spare waiting for the model to build.
For those of us who don’t have access to infinite computational resources, you’ve come to the right place.
Here’s the good news – we now have easy-to-use, open source deep learning frameworks that aim to simplify the implementation of complex and large-scale deep learning models. Using these amazing frameworks, we can implement complex models like convolutional neural networks