4Geeks Academy Full-Stack Developer program final project

4Geeks Academy Full-Stack Developer program final project.
Implemented endpoints:
–> routes.py
- /…/, methods: ”: Comment …frontURL/…/
- …
–> app.py
- /…/, methods: ”: Comment …frontURL/…/
- …
License 👻
Open license
Back-End Manual Installation:
Make sure you have Python 3.8:
- Migrate the migrations:
$ pipenv run migrate
- Run the migrations:
$ pipenv run upgrade
- Run the application:
$ pipenv run start
Front-End Manual Installation:
- Make sure you are using node version 14+ and that you have already successfully installed and runned the backend.
- Install the packages:
$ npm install
- Start coding! start the webpack dev server
$ npm run start
If having this problem: